SISA5 - PhD Boot Camp

Day 1 at 17:30
To further improve their career prospects and allow for a smoother transition into the labour market, PhD students require valuable professional work experience. The international PhD boot camp, organised by the Ghent University Doctoral Schools, is geared towards enabling PhD students to offer their strongest set of skills and expertise to non-academic patrons coming from an array of sectors including public policy, private businesses and industry. For the purposes of, amongst others, consulting, market research, business prospecting and development, PhD students are expected to carry out short-term (2 weeks) intensive international assignments that have a well-defined scope with clearly formulated objectives and expectations. The 1st edition of the boot camp (2014-2015), commissioned by the provincial authorities of East Flanders, propelled multitalented bioscience engineering PhD students into exciting professional territory in Việt Nam.

The boot camp allows PhD students to put their skills and competencies acquired through their research as well as transferable skills training into real-world practice, thus providing them with a welcome confidence boost and an effective means of getting their CV noticed!
Day Day 1
Session Special Interest
Start time 17.30
Code SISA5

Dr Katrien Daemen-De Gelder, Policy Advisor, Ghent University
