A2 - CROS and PIRLS 2015 – UK trends and local value
Day | Day 1 |
Session | A |
Start time | 15:20 |
Strand | Research Staff |
Code | A2 |
Presenters |
Dr Robin Mellors-Bourne - Acting Chief Executive Officer, CRAC Dr Rui Pires Martins, Researcher Development Advisor, Queen Mary University of London |
CROS (Careers in Research Online Survey) is well established as the national survey which gathers UK HE research staff perspectives on and experiences of employment and careers, and participation in personal/career development. PIRLS (Principal Investigators and Research Leaders Survey) works in parallel to record views and experiences of research leaders, in relation to research leadership and the management of research staff and groups.
The surveys were run in 2015 in a record number of institutions. This provides an updated evidence base for monitoring progress in implementing the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers, at a national level and within institutions. Increasingly, institutions are using their CROS results, especially, as evidence in submissions in relation to the European Commission's HR Excellence in Research Award.
This session will cover:
- main results from aggregate analysis of 2015 CROS and PIRLS surveys/reports
- potential issues and focus for institutional analysis of CROS and PIRLS data
- how CROS and PIRLS provide evidence of progress in Concordat implementation outcomes and future developments
- using CROS to provide evidence for reporting within the HR Excellence in Research Award process
Participants will:
- have a greater awareness of the national trends for CROS and PIRLS
- share and gain insights into how researcher developers and institutions are using CROS and PIRLS results to evidence local needs and/or institutional progress in supporting researchers.
Information, interaction and discussion.
Participants should also be prepared to share examples of how they have used CROS and PIRLS results during discussion.