Workshop application form
Propose a workshop for the Vitae Researcher Development International Conference 2016 Submission deadline Friday 17 June 2016
Proposals for workshops are invited from anyone with a strategic or practical interest in the development of researchers.
The deadline for proposing a workshop is 17.00 on Friday 17 June 2016.
Guidelines for your workshop proposal:
- Demonstrate planned, structured, interactive sessions
- Provide a short clearly written abstract (maximum length 50 words) that will be used in conference publications
- Clearly state aims and intended learning outcomes for participants
- Show how the workshop addresses one or more area of policy or practice outlined below.
Workshop formats There will be two different formats of workshop:
- A 55 minute workshop addressing an area of policy or providing information and discussion on a researcher development policy related topic. These workshops will run on Monday 12 September.
- An 80 minute ‘interactive’ workshop addressing an area of practice in researcher development. These workshops will run on Tuesday 13 September.
Conference and workshop themes
The conference will address the strategic and practical implications of the following themes:
- policy developments relating to doctoral education and the effective talent management of researchers
- enhancing institutional capacity to provide innovative professional development to maintain research excellence
- being at the forefront of researcher development to meet the future development needs of researchers for a wide range of careers
- demonstrating the value of researcher development on research outputs, researcher careers, economic prosperity and society
Workshops will address the conference themes, and in particular will cover:
- Engaging research leaders, principal investigators and supervisors to transform professional development of researchers and embed professional development in the research environment
- Developing a pipeline of research talent, including widening participation, strategies to attract and retain research talent, and approaches to mainstreaming equality and diversity for researchers in the research environment
- Leadership development of early career researchers including researchers’ as leaders in different disciplines
- Evaluation and impact studies of researchers’ careers to further our understanding and knowledge of the researcher career landscape in UK and internationally
- New and successful ways of supporting researchers’ mobility including international, inter-sectoral, interdisciplinary and virtual mobility
- Researcher development within structured doctoral programmes, including perspectives on doctoral training centres/ partnerships, Innovative Training Networks (ITNs) and other cohort based models; including European and international collaborations and organisational benefits and challenges in managing diverse researchers’ experiences
- Researcher development across boundaries including international collaborations, inter-cultural competences, international researchers’ experiences, business/industry collaborations and engaging society through open research
We strongly recommend that you view the example workshop description before completing this form.
Critical dates for proposing a workshop
The deadline for proposing a workshop is 17.00 on Friday 17 June 2016.
We will let you know whether your proposal has been successful by 8 July 2016. If successful, the information you have provided will be published for participants.
Information on workshop presenters’ conference rates
- Workshop presenters are entitled to a full residential conference place at a discounted rate (33%). This cannot be combined with any other discount. However Vitae membership discount still applies.
- The reduced rate is restricted to a maximum of two workshop presenters per submission. If a third workshop presenter wishes to attend the full conference they will be charged the full conference rate.
- If your workshop proposal is successful, all workshop presenters will be asked to book their conference place online.