Menu and features
Programme, Workshop and Special Interest Sessions:
view programme sessions details, Tap the + symbol to register yourself on a session. Added session will automatically be added to My Schedule
Participant list:
Static list showing name, organisation and title
My Schedule:
Dynamic list of added sessions. Tap on the tick symbol to unregister yourself from session.
Networking > Check-in and Networking:
Check-in to conference and view list of checked in participants. Tap the + symbol to request to connect to another checked in participant.
Networking > Messaging:
Private message checked in participants who have accepted your request to connect.
Networking > Interact:
View feed of check-in activity, added posts and photos. View all checked in participants. Tap the + symbol to request to connect to other checked in participants. Add posts and photos to conference activity feed.
Networking > Photo Album:
Add photos to the conference photo album. Only app admins can remove photos (see Help > Contacts for names)
Help > Maps - plans of the venue with named locations
Help > FAQs – useful information about the conference and venue
Help > Contacts – list of people providing support for the conference and the app
3MT > Finalists - introducing the six 3MT competition finalists
3MT > Judges - introducing the judges of the final round
Offers > RDF Cards - order packs of RDF cards at the conference offer price of 2 packs for £100 + VAT + PP. Orders taken via the app over the conference period. Cards despatched by post after the event.
Twitter - connect to your Twitter account to see and post to the #vitae16 twitter feed from within the conference app. The app will be able to:
- Read Tweets from your timeline
- See who you follow, and follow new people
- Update your profile
- Post Tweets for you
The app will not be able to:
- Access your direct messages
- See your Twitter password
Note on navigating menus in Android phone app:
- Click on the main menu icon to return to the main menu
- The Networking and Help menu options are folders containing further menu options. To return to the main menu when you are in a folder, click on the parent folder (Networking or Help)