SISA2 - DiSCovering leadership styles of early career researchers

Day Day 1
Session Special Interest
Start time 17.30
Code SISA2

Davina Whitnall, Independent Researcher Developer, Davina Whitnall Consultancy 


This session explores the use of DiSC personality profiling for early career researchers across diverse disciplines. Using the DiSC approach, a researcher focussed leadership framework has been developed to support early career researchers to:

  • Recognise their leadership style
  • Identify the behaviours that progress or hinder their leadership approach
  • Increase awareness of other leadership styles and use these to complement their own approach

The leadership framework is presented and the session will provide an overview and insight into using DiSC in a researcher development setting. Participants will discover DiSC personality styles, leadership styles and preferences and identify their own style. The session is interactive and attendees will use innovate tools such as personality postcards, identify their leadership style through using a walk-through approach and complete a leadership style analysis.

Topics covered:

  • The use of personality profiling to identify personal leadership styles and preferences
  • Introduction to DiSC personality profiling in a researcher development setting
  • Developing leadership in early career researchers
  • Indentifying leadership behaviours
  • Techniques to support leadership behaviour in early career researchers
  • The differences between DiSC and other personality profiling approaches

Themes covered:

  • Leadership development of early career researchers including researchers' as leaders in different disciplines
  • Researcher development within structured doctoral programmes, including perspectives on doctoral training centres/ partnerships, Innovative Training Networks (ITNs) and other cohort based models; including European and international collaborations and organisational benefits and challenges in managing diverse researchers’experiences

Session outcomes:

  • Identification of own personality DiSC style
  • Awareness of DiSC personality profiles and how these complement researcher leadership
  • A group discussion identifying the core leadership behaviours in early career researchers
  • Opportunity to explore profiling and sample leadership frameworks
  • Completion of a leadership style analysis
  • Development of an action plan to take ideas forward