SISA6 - Developing a research and knowledge exchange development programme: a collaborative exercise

Day Day 1
Session Special Interest
Start time 17.30
Code SISA6

Dr Jennifer Roddis, Research Facilitator, Bournemouth University 

Emily CieciuraResearch Facilitator: EU & International, Bournemouth University 

Sarah Cronin, Organisational & Staff Development Programmes Co-OBournemouth University


The Research Facilitators at Bournemouth University (BU) have adopted an innovative approach to developing a new research and knowledge exchange (RKE) development programme; the RKE development framework.

Previous RKE provision has been developed solely by the research support office. We have involved colleagues from across the University, including staff from support services such as the Library, Organisational Development, the Graduate School and, most importantly, academics at whom the framework is targeted. This has enabled us to develop a programme which addresses all academic career stages and is mapped to both the Vitae RDF and the University academic career matrix. The framework covers a wide range of areas, including types of funder and funding scheme, working with various stakeholders, including the public, industry and policymakers, managing a research project, bringing together a team, publishing, skills development, communicating your research, bid writing retreats and sandpits.

The programme will go live in October 2016. We will share our experiences to date, discuss next steps and receive feedback from others interested in this area.


  • Engaging research leaders, principal investigators and supervisors to transform professional development of researchers and embed professional development in the research environment