C8 - Enabling flexible pedagogies for technology-enhanced learning: learners’ needs, examples, tools and action plans

Day 2 at 11:00 - Enabling flexible pedagogies for technology-enhanced learning: learners’ needs, examples, tools and action plans
Day Day 2
Session C
Start time 11:00
Strand Postgraduate researchers 
Code C8

Dr Melanie Petch, Postgraduate Researcher Development Manager, University of Leicester 

Dr Mark R Proctor, Academic Development Officer (Research), University of Sunderland

Christine Smith, E-Learning Development Officer, Manchester Metropolitan University

With contributions from:

Pete Alfano, Postgraduate Researcher, University of Leicester

Dr Chantal BielmannPostgraduate Researcher Development Adviser, University of Leicester

Workshop overview:

This workshop will present some recent approaches to flexible pedagogies for technology-enhanced learning at three universities. It will set the context for distance learning by presenting the results of a survey looking into the needs of learners who engage with modes of distance learning. While there is a real appetite for remote learners to engage with technology-enhanced learning, it becomes tricky to ascertain whether they are satisfied with the current provision available to them because that is all there is, or satisfied because of the quality of the resources themselves. This workshop considers examples of how technology-enhanced learning, such as multimedia learning objects, and flipped classroom approaches, have been applied effectively with high levels of satisfaction. It will also take a practical look at some of the tools that participants could use in their own programmes. All participants will leave the session having completed a ‘First Steps for Educational Developers’ action plan. 

Workshop topics covered:

University of Leicester

This session will present the results of a survey looking into the needs of distance learners giving insight into the readiness of learners to engage in technology-enhanced learning tools and approaches.

University of Sunderland

This session will present a toolkit for developing ways of working to create multimedia learning objects that support the introduction into the curriculum of Flexible Pedagogies which engage researchers in researcher-centred e-learning.

Manchester Metropolitan University

This session will present the approaches to developing online workshops and resources and will touch on the editing and annotation of live workshops, curated playlists, augmented reality, and the flipped classroom.

Please connect your phone, tablet or laptop to the conference Wifi system and open two tabs in your internet browser before attending this workshop. In the two tabs:

1) Input your contact details at http://bit.ly/2cy9luW so we can send you weblinks.

2) During the session, use electronic PostIt notes at https://padlet.com/mrmarkproctor/FlexiblePedagogies to share details of what tools you have used + how and why they are being used.

Themes covered

  • Engaging research leaders, principal investigators and supervisors to transform professional development of researchers and embed professional development in the research environment
  • New and successful ways of supporting researchers’ mobility including international, inter-sectoral, interdisciplinary and virtual mobility

Workshop outcomes:

  • An understanding of learners who engage with distance learning modes
  • An understanding of multimedia learning objects
  • An exploration of the flipped classroom approach
  • Practice sharing around flexible pedagogies and engaging researchers in researcher-centred e-learning.


Interactive workshop, Q&A, discussion and group feedback