A6 - A practice sharing platform for developing the pedagogy of supervision in new supervisor development programmes

Day 1 at 15:20 - A practice sharing platform for developing the pedagogy of supervision in new supervisor development programmes
Day Day 1
Session A
Start time 15:20

Principal investigator/supervisor development

Code A6

Dr Mark Proctor, Academic Development Officer (Research), University of Sunderland 

Workshop overview: 

Inexperienced supervisors can naturally draw on their own ‘successful experiences’ of being supervised for decision making when supervising students and justifying their actions, rather than engineering learning experiences with their students’ learning outcomes in mind. Our mission here is to share practices which re-orientate supervisor decision making processes to focus on student outcomes and student experience so it is relevant at research degree level: where assessment is focused on a Thesis and the defence of it, but a successful programme develops a broad range of skills in a vibrant research community.

Workshop topics covered: 

  • Recognition of the quality assurance context 
  • The apparent tensions between quality assurance and theorising doctoral supervisor pedagogies
  • The NEED for making the most of processes
  • An overview of University of Sunderland materials to adapt and use
  • Sharing experiences and materials

Themes covered:

  • Engaging research leaders, principal investigators and supervisors to transform professional development of researchers and embed professional development in the research environment.

Workshop outcomes: 

Participants will:

  • Gain an insight into approaches which harmonise pedagogies with processes
  • Explore alternative approaches to develop supervisor pedagogies
  • Use an online electronic noticeboard to share ideas and materials

Please connect your phone, tablet or laptop to the conference Wifi system and open your internet browser before attending this workshop - so you can post information on to the electronic noticeboard using the URL below.


Information, interaction and discussion.

Then posting information on to a noticeboard - using participants’ phones, tablets and laptops over the WiFi system- at https://padlet.com/mrmarkproctor/SupervisorDevelopment .

Participants with some experience of developing supervisors should be prepared to share examples from their own experience during discussions and contribute their ideas to the electronic noticeboard.