P1 - What is the perceived value of Industry Engagement in the Australian PhD?

Day Day 1
Session Poster presentation
Start time 19:00
Code P1

Ashleigh Roberts, Team Leader/Graduate Research Coordinator, Murdoch University - Western Australia


The Australian PhD is evolving rapidly. This poster presents key emergent findings about the perceived value of industry engagement in the Australian PhD context. This qualitative study employed an anonymous online survey with questions tailored for each of the participant groups;  Industry representatives, PhD Graduates and PhD Supervisors. 

A review of the current literature deliberating the contemporary PhD informed the study from conception through to development of the analytical framework. The analysis approach comprised top-down and bottom-up theming and coding in Nvivo 10 (Miles & Huberman (1994)). Emerging themes cluster around perceived challenges, benefits, concerns and best practice when engaging in collaborative PhD programs. Findings reveal important differences between each group relating to policy, expectations, awareness, motivation and experience. Areas for further exploration in this research include communication, opportunities, time and definitions.