SISB2 - Taming the RDF: a cohesive approach with an individualistic core

Day Day 1
Session Special Interest
Start time 18.00
Room Henley
Code SISB2

Rosie Plimmer, Researcher Development Officer, University of Worcester

Dr Jacqueline Taylor, Lecturer in Research Practice, Birmingham City University


Aim: To introduce participants to a novel approach 

Vitae's Researcher Development Framework (RDF) has been crucial in providing a means to enhance both the development of doctoral researchers themselves and their research. As we celebrate 100 years of the modern PhD, it is also important to acknowledge that the very definition of doctoral research has expanded methodologically, epistemologically and otherwise. This highlights the richness and potential of PhD research, yet at the same also presents a pedagogical challenge in the context of researcher development as the PhD journey becomes increasingly individualised and unique. 

Underpinned and framed by our collaborative and cross-institutional researcher development practices and different specialist expertise, this session explores how the RDF might be expanded and reconceived as a critical development tool by drawing on Biggs; (2003) notion of Constructive Alignment. We consider how the different facets of researcher development programmes - from curriculum, teaching materials, assessment and intended learning outcomes as both the thesis and (hopefully) a career - can form a constructively aligned and cohesive process where doctoral researchers meaningfully and purposefully create their own frameworks of development.