SISB7 - Augmented Reality as a gateway to higher staff and student engagement with the RDF

Day Day 1
Session Special Interest
Start time 18.00
Room York
Code SISB7

Jean Kelly, Postgraduate Research Marketing Officer, Manchester Metropolitan University


We will demonstrate how we are introducing augmented reality as a novel way to inform and engage our staff and students on development opportunities. 

The images used will be sections of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework, these will be linked to our development programme workshop opportunities that are mapped to the section of the RDF focussed on. 

When a user points their smart phone at each image, they will be brought, automatically, to relevant information online. 

This will help to present the RDF in a coherent way, breaking it down and linking it directly to opportunities that address the various skill sets. 

This approach can be applied in other areas such a Student Journey and Marketing information. 

We are hoping to collaborate with University of Sheffield on furthering the development of the use of this tool.