C6 - A linked up global network of Gender Equality programs and best practice internationally

Day 2 at 11:10 - A linked up global network of Gender Equality programs and best practice internationally
Day Day 2
Session C
Start time 11:10
Room Henley
Research Staff
Code C6

Dr Marc Joos, Head of the Innovation & Studies, Adoc Talent Management

Maya Boudiffa, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Sheffield and Member of Board of Directors, ICoRSA 

Luis Alvarez, Postdoctoral Research Scientist, University of Oxford and Member of Board of Directors, ICoRSA 

Dr Carole Chapin, R&D Manager & Trainer, Adoc Mètis, France

Workshop overview: 

During the last decades, the rising proportion of women in higher education and other types of highly qualified occupations triggered important structural changes on the labour market. However, this phenomenon did not completely translate into the research sector, women are still largely underrepresented in research careers compared to other highly qualified employments.

Women's professional career paths are characterised by three key moments regarding gender inequalities: their choice of field of study, the early stages of their careers and their career evolution. We will focus on the transitional time of the early stages of their career on a specific pool: doctorate holders. We will discuss Gender Equality programs and projects across Europe that aim to have a better understanding of these issues and have an impact on gender equality in the research sector.

Workshop topics covered: 

  • Gender equality in higher education and research (and beyond) across Europe
  • Early stages of female doctorate holders careers in Europe
  • Gender equality programs and best practices in Europe: what are the gender equality programs currently operating in UK (eg. Athena Swan, Genovate)? Are they operating efficiently to increase gender equality? Can they learn from other GE programs in Europe and elsewhere? 

Themes covered: 

  • Engaging research leaders, principal investigators and supervisors in professional development
  • Developing a pipeline of research talent through strategies to attract and retain research talent, and mainstreaming equality and diversity in the research environment
  • Enabling career transitions between academia to industry
  • Gender equality plans in universities, gender equality projects UK and European funded

Workshop outcomes: 

By the end of the workshop, participants should: 

  • a better understanding of GE and existing programs in HE and research in Europe and globally; and how the UK model fits in those programs
  • explored considerations on what could be implemented or improved in their institutions based on best practice from EU and globally, with a focus on early career researchers
  • explored future GE programs, and set recommendations on how current international GE programs could be improved based on best practice from the UK model


Talks and discussions: each theme covered will be introduced by background information (5’), followed by a roundtable discussion (15’). In the end, 20’ will be allocated to general discussion, and agreement on a set of recommendations ideas for EU, UK and beyond.