A2 - Improving the intersectoral mobility of researchers

Day 1 at 15:30 - Improving the intersectoral mobility of researchers
Day Day 1
Session A
Start time 15:30
Room Cambridge
Doctoral Researchers
Research Staff
Code A2

Emma Day, Project Manager, Vitae

Gareth O’Neill, Lecturer, Leiden University and President of, EURODOC  

Workshop overview: 

Early career researchers predominantly aspire to an academic career, with many expecting to achieve this (CROS and PRES 2017). However, only a small percentage will achieve this aim and all researchers need to consider the wide range of career opportunities open to researchers and how best to increase their employability. Institutions’ professional development provision for researchers needs to include career development activities that expose researchers to other employment sectors, encourages them to improve their competencies valued by employers and supports them in making a successful transition.    

This workshop will consider the findings from several recent surveys of researchers, institutions and employers across Europe undertake by the EURAXIND project on intersectoral mobility and the Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility (SGHRM) working group on education and skills under Open Science. It will also present the EURAXESS Career Development ‘Toolkit’, which is being developed to support researchers and institutions in increasing intersectoral mobility. 

Workshop topics covered: 

  • Researchers’ perceptions of the competencies valued by employers. 
  • Employers’ views of the competencies they are looking for in highly-skilled employees.
  • Resources to support institutions in encouraging intersectoral mobility.

Themes covered: 

  • Enabling career transitions between academia to industry

Workshop outcomes: 

By the end of the workshop, participants will have: 

  • Data on the competencies sought by employers and researchers’ perceptions.
  • Explored the challenges and opportunities of engaging researchers in their career development and improving their employability for a range of employment sectors
  • Shared examples of good practice and considered how their institution’s career development support could evolve to be more engaging to researchers. 


Information sharing, structured discussion and sharing of experiences, best practices and ideas