A3 - The Impact of REF2021 Recommendations on Contract and Postdoctoral Research Staff

Day 1 at 15:30 - The Impact of REF2021 Recommendations on Contract and Postdoctoral Research Staff
Day Day 1
Session A
Start time 15.30
Room Henley
Research Staff
Code A3

Dr Emma Compton-Daw, Academic Development Lead (Research), University of Strathclyde

Dr Louise Stephen, Postdoctoral researcher and Co-Chair UKRSA, UK Research Staff Association

Workshop overview: 

Recommendations proposed for REF 2021 will affect contract/postdoctoral research staff. The UK Research Staff Association (UKRSA) surveyed research staff across the UK to inform a response to HEFCE’s REF consultation in 2017. 

During this interactive workshop participants will learn about the views and concerns of research staff in relation to the proposed changes and the impacts they foresee on their current roles and future careers.  Participants will have the opportunity to discuss how their own institutions are approaching these possible changes. We will also consider how we can best support our research staff navigate and prepare for REF2021.

Workshop topics covered: 

  • The impact of the proposed changes to the definition of research-active staff, portability and collaborations outside academia on contract and postdoctoral research staff
  • Institutional approaches to the proposed recommendations
  • How we can best support research staff be ‘REF – ready’ for REF2021 and beyond 

Themes covered: 

  • Engaging research leaders, principal investigators and supervisors in professional development
  • Leadership development of early career researchers
  • The contribution of researcher development to developing ‘REF – ready’ researchers

Workshop outcomes: 

  • By the end of the workshop, participants should: 
  • Be familiar with key issues of REF2021 affecting research staff
  • Identify how this is likely to affect staff at their institutions
  • Discuss practices in place at UK institutions to support researchers in relation to REF
  • Identify new ways to support staff at their institution


Small group discussion, large group discussion, presentation