P2 - Accrediting PGR Training at the University of Hull

Day Day 1
Session Poster presentation
Start time 19:00
Code P2

Dr Janine Hatter, Programme Manager of the Postgraduate Training Scheme, University of Hull


The Postgraduate Training Scheme at the University of Hull has been running as an accredited programme for over 20 years. Its aim is for all PhD students to achieve 60 credits worth of PGR training around research skills, personal development, and career management/mobility. We have recently undergone revalidation in line with Level 7 Masters provision with feedback from our external examiner reading: "the PGTS at the University of Hull is world class", and the Graduate School's core "Modern Researcher" module is "flagship" (Mark Leech, University of Manchester). 

This poster will outline the innovations in our doctoral training programme with regard to the process of the PGTS's revalidation; the challenges posed by creating an essentially generic programme for all PGRs in all subject areas; new modes of teaching that allow us to deliver training at scale, particularly for distant and part-time PGR students; the inclusion of key themes such as research environment and culture, wellbeing and mental health, EDI, and research ethics and integrity; the challenges of staffing PGR research training; and areas for future improvements.