SISA2 - Consultation on the Royal Society's Model CV template for Researchers
Day | Day 1 |
Code | SISA2 |
Start time | 17.40 |
Room | Lancaster |
Audience | For Researcher Developers |
Presenter |
Dr Frances Downey, Senior Policy Adviser, The Royal Society Karen Stroobants, Science Policy Intern, The Royal Society |
Session outline:
The Royal Society is developing a Biosketch for researchers. The main aim of the Biosketch is to move towards a format that encourages recognition of a researcher’s various activities. The proposed Biosketch further has the potential to facilitate cross-over between academia and other sectors.
The Biosketch is part of the Society’s Research Culture programme that has encouraged researchers in the UK to think holistically about the culture they are part of, themes discussed include integrity, diversity, the way research is funded, and broad recognition of researcher’s activities.
This session will be set-up as a dialogue around the Society’s Biosketch. “What are the first responses to the presented biosketch? Are the guidelines thought to be clear enough, both from the perspective of a potential applicant and evaluator? Is it perceived feasible that organisations and universities would use this biosketch and for which purposes / processes?”
- Employability of researchers; enabling career transitions, championing the breadth of researcher careers and encouraging intersectoral mobility
- Research environment and culture; shaping an inclusive research environment; wellbeing and mental health, gender equality and diversity research integrity and open research
- Engaging research leaders, principal investigators and supervisors in professional development and nurturing the careers of researchers