SISB4 - Top Down, bottom up approach to Researcher development: A marriage of academic teaching and leadership capability

Day Day 1
Session SISB4
Start time 18.00
Room York
Audience For researcher developers

Dr Keely Bumsted O'Brien, Head, Scientific Education Office, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research

Session outline:

The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI), Australia's oldest medical research institute, has combined a traditional academic teaching model (bottom up approach) with a program of performance development and career planning conversations (top-down approach). For this session, we would like to share our experiences and discuss approaches others have taken. Our focus on researcher development relies on an innovative project: Attracting and Developing Exceptional People (ADEPt). A major aspect of this program is a scientific capability framework to define excellence at every level of our organisation. Our program encourages researchers to develop across the breadth of their roles including leadership, strategy and financial planning skills. We enable a feedback culture by focussing on conducting effective coaching conversations. By facilitating regular opportunities for conversations and supporting supervisors to have effective and constructive discussions with their students and staff, we are building an environment where researchers flourish. This special interest session will allow us to gain valuable insight into how other institutions implement their frameworks into a context that allows development of all parties.

Themes covered:

  • Innovations in doctoral training programmes; new modes of delivery; delivering at scale, doctoral training centres/ partnerships, Innovative Training Networks (ITNs) and other cohort-based models
  • Research staff and supply of talent; strategies and practice, developing a pipeline of research talent through strategies to attract and retain researchers
  • Research environment and culture; shaping an inclusive research environment; wellbeing and mental health, gender equality and diversity research integrity and open research
  • Engaging research leaders, principal investigators and supervisors in professional development and nurturing the careers of researchers
  • Continuing professional development of those involved in the development of researchers