B6 - "Out of the Box" Integration @Uliege

Day Day 1
Code B6
Start time 16:40
Room Norfolk
Work with Research Staff
Work with Doctoral Researchers

Raphaela Delahaye, Expert in Researcher Career Development, University of Liege

Therese Dupont, Expert in Researcher Career Skills Training and Development, University of Liege

Workshop overview

The success of mobility for the personal and professional wellbeing of PhDs and postdocs heavily depends on their capacity of reaching out for resources that are made available to them by the host research organization and the local society, or in a broader sense, by their environment. Unfortunately, many international researchers tend to exclusively focalize on their research project and pay little attention to their host environment. As a result of this, they leave the country the way they entered it before their fellowship: with little or no knowledge of the possibilities and -hidden- assets that the host region offers to them.

The Linkin' Wallonia project has been thought-out and initiated by the Research Department (ULiège) that is led by Dr. Ir. Isabelle Halleux and was triggered by what we call “un cri du coeur” (“a heart's cry”) : “get out of the lab as much as you can!”

This workshop gives you insights in "out of the box" solutions that make mobile researchers integrate by interacting with their research and societal environment. During the workshop, we will engage in some interactive exercises that will enable the participants to get the best out of the traditional integration activities as well as develop new professional practices.

Workshop topics covered:

  • Strategies and activities to get mobile researchers acquainted and interact with their host society and -research environment
  • Ways and facilities to develop their creative skills and make them use their emotions to express their mobility experience

Themes covered: 

  • Research environment and culture; shaping an inclusive research environment; wellbeing and mental health, gender equality and diversity research integrity and open research

Workshop outcomes:

By the end of the workshop, participants will have:

  • have a greater awareness of tools that they can develop to allow visiting researchers to better integrate both personally and professionally into their environment
  • have the opportunity to exchange experiences from their own Institutions and the way they address the social integration challenges.


Collective and group work activities that require interaction between the workshop participants, discussion and restitution.