B7 - Postgraduate research supervision through a problem/person lens

Day Day 1
Code B7
Start time 16:40
Room Dorset
Supervisors and Principal Investigators

Dr Matthew Sillence, Lecturer in Postgraduate Education and Training, University of East Anglia

Workshop overview: 

This workshop begins with a review of current initiatives at the University of East Anglia that provide continuing professional development for postgraduate research supervisors. Drawing on a blended model of supervisor CPD employed with the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (part online, part workshop-based), it examines the advantages and limitations of the problem-based model informed by policy and institutional procedures. In doing so, we will consider the opportunities and challenges of a person oriented approach that focuses on enhancing supervisory pedagogy and supporting researcher/supervisor wellbeing to improve the experience for both parties.

The second part of the workshop involves a group exercise in which participants are encouraged to explore supervisor CPD within their own institutions through the perspectives of the problem/person lens. Each group will identify and share three initiatives or interventions that emerge in discussions that they believe would make a significant positive impact on supervisory practice.

Workshop topics covered: 

  • Continuing professional development
  • Postgraduate research supervision
  • Supporting postgraduate researcher wellbeing
  • Problem-based learning
  • Pedagogy
Themes covered:

  • Research environment and culture; shaping an inclusive research environment; wellbeing and mental health, gender equality and diversity research integrity and open research
  • Engaging research leaders, principal investigators and supervisors in professional development and nurturing the careers of researchers
  • Continuing professional development of those involved in the development of researchers

Workshop outcomes: 

By the end of the workshop, participants will: 

  • have a greater understanding of different models of CPD for postgraduate research supervisors
  • be able to explore a range of practices that support student and supervisor wellbeing


Information, interaction and discussion. Participants should also be prepared to include examples from their own experience during discussion.