C3 - Supporting the career progression of researcher developers in a rapidly changing landscape

Day Day 2
Code C3
Start time 11:10
Room Hampton
For Researcher Developers

Professor Michael Rayner, Dean of Research, University of Highlands and Islands

Professor Susan Brooks, Director of Researcher Development, Oxford Brookes University

Alison Mitchell, Director of Development, Vitae

Workshop overview:  

Since the Roberts review in 2002, researcher development has become integral to support the career development of research-active staff from early career researcher to professor. It is timely to enquire how well this embedded provision is actually addressing the needs of researchers in a rapidly changing research landscape, and equally critically, how well it is addressing the continuing professional development and career prospects of the new profession of researcher developers. In this workshop, we will review the provision and training to support for career development of researcher developers at participants' institutions using a questionnaire approach. This is part of a larger study aimed at helping us to understand researchers' and researcher developers' experience of current training and career support and to make recommendations for development of improved provision going forward.

Workshop topics covered:  

  • Considering the definition of 'researcher developer' and organisation of researcher development across the sector
  • Reviewing current provision of, and engagement with, professional development for researcher developers, at participants' institutions

Themes covered: 

  • Continuing professional development of those involved in the development of researchers

Workshop outcomes:  

By the end of the workshop, participants should: 

  • Considered the variety of staff who deliver and support researcher development
  • Evaluated training/development provision for researcher developers at their own institutions
  • Shared good practice and innovative approaches to training/continuing professional development and career progression  for researcher developers
  • Considered evolving development needs of these staff in a fast-changing landscape


Information, questionnaire survey, and discussion. Participants should be prepared to include examples from their own experience during discussion.