D4 - Open science: a roadmap of cultural change at universities and for researchers

Day Day 2
Code D4
Start time 13:40
Room Henley
Work with Research Staff
Work with Doctoral Researchers

Dr Katrien Maes, Deputy Secretary-General, League of European Research Universities (LERU)

Dr Paul Ayris, Pro-Vice-Provost (UCL Library Services), University College London

Workshop overview: 

Open Science (OS) opens up new ways in which research, education and innovation are undertaken across the globe. It can bring about greater efficiency and productivity, more transparency and a better response to interdisciplinary research needs. This workshop explores both the opportunities and the challenges for universities and for researchers employed by universities, and what kind of cultural changes are needed in researchers hearts and minds and in universities strategies. OS in this workshop covers the eight pillars put forward by the European Commission: the future of scholarly publishing, FAIR data, the European Open Science Cloud, education and skills, rewards and incentives, next-generation metrics, research integrity, and citizen science. Based on consultations with its 23 member universities in 12 European countries, the League of European Research Universities (LERU) has recently produced a report, offering analysis, good practice and recommendations. Insights gained from this paper, in particular those related to career development, recruitment and promotion, will be discussed with the workshop participants.

Workshop topics covered: 

The workshop will cover:

  • The eight pillars of Open Science identified by the European Commission (cf. above) 
  • How OS works for the researchers in different contexts, across disciplines, sectors and countries
  • How universities can develop a programme of change within their i

Themes covered:

  • Research staff and supply of talent; strategies and practice, developing a pipeline of research talent through strategies to attract and retain researchers
  • Research environment and culture; shaping an inclusive research environment; wellbeing and mental health, gender equality and diversity research integrity and open research

Workshop outcomes: 

By the end of the workshop participants will:

  • have a better understanding of the benefits and challenges associated with OS 
  • appreciate the need for a strategic, joined-up approach, which is sensitive to disciplinary, national and institutional differences 
  • learn from examples of state-of-the-art good practice at LERU universities and elsewhere 
  • understand the pros and cons of different approaches to OS


3 x 15 presentation and 5 for specific questions (20 X 3=60') and 20 for broader Q&A and discussion with the workshop participants