P12 - Building relationships between research disciplines

Day Day 1
Session Poster presentation
Start time 18:10
Code P12

Dr Erika Cretney, Research Education Program Manager, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre


At Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (Peter Mac) we are developing a program to broaden professional development opportunities hospital-wide for our non-clinical researchers (‘scientists’). A key program focus is ‘Building Relationships’, and we are developing a range of training opportunities and activities to help our scientists develop skills in this area.

Our scientists are an important group needing to build relationships with clinical staff at Peter Mac. We aim to deliver a suite of activities to facilitate fruitful interactions between these groups, including: a ‘Scientists in the Clinic’ placement program with scientists observing cancer specialists and clinical practice in action; a ‘Research Pitch’ event with scientists presenting their research to clinicians; and a ‘PechaKucha Networking’ event with clinicians presenting clinical research needs to scientists. We expect that this program will provide scientists with a greater understanding of the patient journey and enhance collaborative research and future funding opportunities for our researchers.