P4 - Taking Mentoring to the next level - a pump prime project

Day Day 1
Session Poster presentation
Start time 18:10
Code P4

Dr Diane Munday, Staff Developer (Research Staff), University of St Andrews


Mentoring, as a transformational approach to professional and career development, continues to gain importance in the HE sector.

CAPOD has been at the forefront of the mentoring revolution and is a sector leader in developing mentoring practice.

CAPOD’s flagship academic mentoring scheme is the Teaching, Research & Academic Mentoring Scheme (TRAMS).

TRAMS creates partnerships between experienced staff (mentors) and colleagues at an earlier career stage (mentees), to help mentees clarify and work towards their developmental goals. The overall aim is to develop talent, and to support the University in achieving its strategic goals. 

TRAMS began as a collaboration between the Universities of St Andrews (CAPOD) and Dundee (OPD) more than 10 years ago and this collaboration remains the driving force of this highly successful scheme.

Over the last 3 years Abertay University, Glasgow School of Art and the James Hutton Institute have joined. It currently supports 104 partnerships, a figure which will increase over the next year.

Our vision is to expand TRAMS, establishing it as the recognised pan-Scotland mentoring programme for the sector.

With *funding in place for this pump-prime research project we are scoping the potential for expansion. 

Here at the Vitae Conference, we‘d like to exchange our mentoring knowledge, ideas, expertise and experience with all those involved / interested in mentoring.

*This project is sponsored by the University of St Andrews Russell Trust Development Award.