B2 - Developing support structures and career development for visiting international researchers

Day Day 1
Code B2
Start time 16:50
Developing research staff
In a policy/strategic/leadership role

Lucia Koch, Senior Internationalization Expert, Darmstadt University of applied sciences, Germany

Workshop overview: 
As research becomes ever more globally connected we must look beyond the domestic sphere. While the focus of research support units will remain on the institution's locally based scientists, the aim must be to help them enlarge their scope and research network worldwide.
This is only possible with professional support ranging from the acquisition of (third party) funds for the invitation of visiting scholars, welcome and relocation services for them, their partners and families, helping them adapt frictionless at their temporary place of activity, to advice offered on countless matters legal, administrative, professional and personal.
While domestic scientists have many years to understand the national research scene, organizations, rules and regulations, career paths and academic systems, academic international visitors have only a very short time to get to grips and "dive right in", so as to maximise their time available at the host institution. At the very best, support for the development of visiting scientists might even encourage them to transfer permanently. The presentation will offer some ideas how this can be done in a coherent, conceptualized way, so that all parties concerned can benefit from the experience.

Themes covered:

  • Trends in the wider research, employment, and policy environments and how these might affect researcher development strategy
  • Strategic opportunities and challenges for organisations in creating and sustaining environments where researchers can flourish
  • Innovative and practical approaches to the professional and career development of researchers across all career stages and institutional contexts

Workshop aims:

  • highlight special demands on institutional support for visiting international researchers
  • develop key points for a conceptualized approach
  • identify key players (i.e. at institutional and civic level)
  • generate ideas how to get started on a small budget
  • become aware of do's and don't do's

Value for delegates:

  •  the audience will understand the special kind of needs and questions of visiting international researchers
  • delegates will take home key points for a conceptionalized approach to support international visiting researchers
  • the audience will be encouraged to contribute ideas and hear from colleagues (sharing of best practice experiences)
  • listeners will realize that all support has its limits and clear lines must be drawn (expectation management)