C1 - “Supporting Researchers in their Leadership and Career Progression in Academia and beyond”

Day Day 2
Code C1
Start time 11:10
Developing research staff
Developing supervisors and principal investigators 

Dr Megan Knight, Associate Dean, School of Creative Arts, University of Hertfordshire

Professor Grace Lees-Maffei, Professor of Design History, University of Hertfordshire

Dr Elise Glen, Institute of Cancer Research

Linda Ryan, Trinity College Dublin 

Dr Raquel Harper, Trinity College Dublin

Workshop overview: 

The presenters will deliver an integrated introduction and then present on each of the programmes highlighting

  • Why the programme evolved
  • How the programme was organised
  • Positive and constructive feedback and outcomes
  • Lessons learned
  • Future adjustments/adaptations

An Interactive session will then follow the presentations – working together to address challenges

  • How are other delegates of the Vitae conference dealing with these or similar challenges?
- Do any of the challenges discussed resonate with you?
- What are the barriers to change in your institutions?
- What tools work well effecting change in your institution?

- How might a working group emerge from today?

Themes covered: 

  • Trends in the wider research, employment, and policy environments and how these might affect researcher development strategy
  • Strategic opportunities and challenges for organisations in creating and sustaining environments where researchers can flourish
  • Innovative and practical approaches to the professional and career development of researchers across all career stages and institutional contexts

Workshop aims: 

To demonstrate the benefits, challenges, lessons learned and outcomes of providing leadership specific programmes for researchers.

Value for delegates:

Demystify establishing or organizing such programmes

Gain understanding of the benefits, challenges, lessons learned and outcomes of providing leadership specific programmes for researchers in general and for women researchers in particular