3MT 2015

Form Vitae 3MT semi-finalists registration form 2015
Page Vitae 3MT 2015: prizes and sponsors
Vitae ®3MT competition
Page Vitae 3MT UK semi-finalists 2015
Congratulations to all our 2015 semi-finalists! Each is the winner of their institution’s Three Minute Thesis competition. Presentations were reviewed, scored and discussed by our semi-final judging panel.
Page Meet the 3MT UK semi-final judges 2015
We are delighted to announce our judges for the 3MT semi-final 2015. They bring a wealth of experience to the panel especially in the areas of public engagement and previous 3MT involvement.
Page The six 3MT finalists 2015
Congratulations to our six 3MT finalists who gave excellent presentations and who provided the participants at the Vitae annual conference dinner an exciting evening of suspense. After the presentations had finished, the judges conferred and voting opened via the conference app for the people's choice winner. This year the same finalist won both prizes. Congratulations go to Zaid Janjua who won £3K grant to spend on public engagement activity (sponsored by RCUK and NCCPE) and the opportunity to present at the famous Faraday Lecture Theatre at the Royal Institution (sponsored by Speakezee). You can watch all six presentations including Zaid's winning performance below:
Page Meet the judges for the Vitae 3MT final 2015
The judging panel for the 2015 Vitae 3MT live final:
Page Vitae 3MT® 2015
Page ECMAScript program Participating universities
The following universities have taken part in the 3MT UK 2015 competition: