Meet the 3MT UK semi-final judges 2015

We are delighted to announce our judges for the 3MT semi-final 2015. They bring a wealth of experience to the panel especially in the areas of public engagement and previous 3MT involvement.


Dr Gráinne Barkess, Researcher Developer, Edinburgh Napier University

Daniela Bultoc, Doctoral Skills Development Programme Manager, University College London

Dr Emma Gillaspy, Research Development Professional, University of Manchester

Dr Isabelle Halleux, Director, University of Liège, Belgium

Dr Justin Hutchence, Research Staff Development Manager, University of Reading

Richard Middlemiss, 2014 Judges Choice 3MT Winner, Glasgow University

Pete Moore, Director of ThinkWrite and Sponsor of 3MT 2015

Aaron Porter - Director of External Affairs, National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB)

Brooke Storer-Church, Postgraduate Policy Advisor, Higher Education Funding Council for England


Prof Mary Bownes, Senior Vice Principal External Engagement, University of Edinburgh   

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