Meet the 3MT UK semi-final judges 2016
Dr Alex Conner, Senior Lecturer, School of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Birmingham
Sharon Clancy, Researcher and public engagement consultant, University of Nottingham
Elaine Devine, Senior Communications Manager (Author Relations), Taylor & Francis (3MT sponsor)
Corinne Evans, Head of Communications, University of Bath
Helen Featherstone, Head of Public Engagement, University of Bath
Dr Victoria Forster, Postdoctoral Research Associate at Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle University
Dr Luke Freeman, Anthropologist and Lecturer in Communication & Culture, UCL
Patricia Gray, Senior Research Training and Development Officer, University of Leeds
Prof Bruce Hood, Founder, Speakezee (Sponsor of People’s prize at the Vitae 3MT final))
Zaid Janjua, 2015 Winner, Nottingham University
Dee-Ann Johnson, Researcher Development Communications Officer, University of Manchester
Prof Mark Lorch, Chemist and Science Communicator, University of Hull
Kenneth Skeldon, Head of Public Engagement with Research Team, Aberdeen University
Prof Mary Bownes, Senior Vice Principal External Engagement, University of Edinburgh