3MT® Finalists 2019

Congratulations to our six 3MT® finalists who gave excellent presentations and who provided the participants at the Vitae annual conference dinner an exciting evening sponsored by Taylor & Francis.
3MT finalists 2019

After the presentations had finished, the judges conferred and voting opened via the conference app for the people's choice winner.
Congratulations go to Shruti Mandhani who won £3K grant to spend on public engagement activity (sponsored by UKRI) and to Oluwashina Akinsanmi who won the People's Choice Award.

You can watch all six presentations including Shruit and Oluwashina's winning performances below:

Oluwashina Akinsanmi, School of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Ulster University
Antibiotic Resistance Crisis: The Sawdust Redemption

Rob Edinburgh, Department of Health, University of Bath

Move your feet before (or after) you eat?

Shruti Mandhani, Materials and Engineering Research Institute (MERI), Sheffield Hallam University
High performance polymers: towards intrinsically-auxetic polymers

Preethi Misha, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University

How does unethical leadership flow?

To date, the vast majority of existing research on unethical leader- ship has focused on top leaders- actions and behaviors as the primary catalyst for the permeation of unethical behaviors in organizations. In my thesis, I shift the focus to middle managers and non-managers and argue that they too have an active role in contributing to the permeation of top-level unethical leadership. More specifically, the study adopts a meaning-making lens to investigate how those lower in the hierarchy perceive and interpret top-level unethical leadership and how such meaning-making affects their (un)ethical legitimacy.

Chidinma Raymond, School of Life Sciences, University of Nottingham

The Thief with many faces: Investigating Hepatitis B virus

William Trickey, Department of Physics, University of York

Harnessing the power of the Sun with high power lasers