3MT® Finalists 2019
You can watch all six presentations including Shruit and Oluwashina's winning performances below:
Oluwashina Akinsanmi, School of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Ulster University
Antibiotic Resistance Crisis: The Sawdust Redemption
Move your feet before (or after) you eat?
Shruti Mandhani, Materials and Engineering Research Institute (MERI), Sheffield Hallam University
High performance polymers: towards intrinsically-auxetic polymers
How does unethical leadership flow?
To date, the vast majority of existing research on unethical leader- ship has focused on top leaders- actions and behaviors as the primary catalyst for the permeation of unethical behaviors in organizations. In my thesis, I shift the focus to middle managers and non-managers and argue that they too have an active role in contributing to the permeation of top-level unethical leadership. More specifically, the study adopts a meaning-making lens to investigate how those lower in the hierarchy perceive and interpret top-level unethical leadership and how such meaning-making affects their (un)ethical legitimacy.
The Thief with many faces: Investigating Hepatitis B virus
Harnessing the power of the Sun with high power lasers