Institutional action plans: HR Excellence in Research

If you are looking for examples of institutional practice related to researchers, HR Excellence in Research Award action plans are an excellent source of information on approaches to improving practice. If you are interested in applying for the award, looking at other organisations' action plans is a great place to start.

You will find a list of all award-holders with links to their action plans on the EURAXESS Rights website.

189 research organisations have been acknowledged by the European Commission as part of the HR Excellence in Research initiative [numbers correct June 2014].

What are the action plans?

Action plans are based on an analysis of existing practices and provision for researchers and set out the approaches the organisation will take to put into practice the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (or, in the case of UK organisations, those of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers).


In 2013, Vitae published HR strategies for researchers: a review of HR Excellence in Research Award implementation activities across Europe. The report comments on progress against each principle of the Concordat the Support the Career Development of Researchers and presents brief examples of practice taken from institutional action plans.