Review of Staff Development and Support Provision for Academic Research across UK Higher Education Institutions
All institutional research staff are invited to complete a survey around their experiences of training and support and have the chance to win 4 x £50 book tokens
The survey is being hosted and the data processed by Vitae on behalf of the University of the Highlands and Islands and Oxford Brookes University.
It is different from the consultation to Support the Career Development of Researchers, which ran last year, and in addition to the Principal Investigators and Research Leaders Survey (PIRLS), as the current survey focuses specifically on the training aspect of researcher development.
This survey is open for research-active academic staff, regardless of career stage or level of engagement, across the UK’s Higher Education Institutions and results will provide an evidence-based outline of the current position across the UK to help improve training, support and professional development in higher education.
The survey will help identify examples of good practice that can be shared and mainstreamed and will also identify whether there are important gaps in researcher development and training provisions at key stages of a research-active member’s career that should be filled.
By taking part in the survey, you will help make a contribution to achieving a good and healthy research environment, and helping further embed the reputation of UK Higher Education in an increasingly competitive world research environment.
Complete survey here (closing date Friday 13 December 2019)