Researcher Careers Working Group
The Researcher Careers Working Group is interested in working on the issue of researcher career tracking and is striving to support the collection of improved doctoral destinations data. In addition, the group is exploring how to facilitate the engagement of researchers in their career development.
During 2020, the group developed a set of working principles around the collection of researcher career tracking data - take a look at these Working Principles.
The members of this working group are:
- Kirstin Barnard, Employability Education Projects Officer, The University of Nottingham
- Rosemary Bass, Co-CHAIR, Careers Adviser (PGR), University of East Anglia
- Sally Blake, Head of Training and Environment, Doctoral Academy, Cardiff University
- Tracy Bussoli, Careers Consultant, Queen Mary - University of London
- Sophia Donaldson, Careers Consultant, University College London
- Justin Hutchence, Co-CHAIR, Researcher Training and Development Manager, University of Oxford
- Richard McCormack, Graduate School Manager, University of Westminster
- Kate Murray, Deputy Head, King's Careers & Employability, King's College London
- Saneeya Qureshi, Research Staff Developer, University of Liverpool
- Tina Ramkalawan, Director of Graduate School, Brunel University London
- Marie-Alix Thouaille, Research Degrees Administrator, Goldsmiths - University of London
Clare Wunderly, Researcher Employability and Engagement Manager, University of Surrey