Prof Elaine McGoll


Newcastle University                                                                                     

Job Title

PGR student coordinator

Biography                     Prof Elaine McGoll

I am a social scientist by background (my first degree was in geography and economics, followed by an MSc in applied statistics), but I have worked in applied health services research for over 30 years, first in my native Ireland and since 1987 in Newcastle upon Tyne. My research interests include public health, chronic disease management, the design and conduct of randomised controlled trials and feasibility studies ,the design and conduct of applied health and social surveys,  and the assessment of patient reported outcomes. My PhD was awarded on the basis of my publications in this latter field. 

In October 2003, I became the first Director of the Newcastle Clinical Trials Unit, which achieved full UK CRC CTU registration status in 2007 and was successfully re-registered in 2012.  The NCTU supports investigators in the design, conduct and analysis of clinical trials of pharmaceutical, surgical, rehabilitation and complex interventions. I stood down from the role of NCTU Director in June 2016.  In autumn 2016, I took on the role of postgraduate research student coordinator for the Institute of Health and Society.  Following a recent faculty reorganisation, I now hold the role of postgraduate research student coordinator for the larger Population Health Sciences Institute, looking after approximately 170 PGR students.