Careers in Research Online Survey
The Careers in Research Online Survey (CROS) gathered the anonymous views of research staff in UK higher education institutions about their experiences, career aspirations and career development opportunities.
It ran concurrently with the Principal Investigators and Research Leaders Survey (PIRLS) and collectively these data indicated progress on implementation of the UK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers and the European HR Excellence in Research Award.
- Search Careers in Research Online Survey
CROS survey results
Read the latest CROS 2019 Results
Read the former Five Steps Forward launched at the Vitae Researcher Development Conference 2017, based on previous successive Careers in Research Online Surveys (CROS) and Principal Investigators & Research Leaders Surveys (PIRLS)
CROS background and management
The Careers in Research Online Survey (CROS) was originally developed in 2002 as part of a project funded by HEFCE, the Scottish Funding Council, and DTI/OST (now BEIS).
CROS is now managed by Vitae. It is hosted on the Online surveys platform (formerly BOS), which provides a secure web environment for the design, delivery, administration and analysis of online surveys.
CROS is overseen by the CROS/PIRLS Steering Group
Benefits of CROS
‘…essential information about the views and experiences of our researchers, and enable us to begin to respond more effectively to the needs of this group of staff and to ensure that any policy developments are evidence-based.’ [Cardiff University]
Benefits to institutions:
- informs policy and practice in researchers’ employment, management and career development
- enables measurement of progress over time and confidential comparisons with groups of institutions or national results
- collects evidence to support institutional submissions, such as for the European HR Excellence in Research Award, implementation of the Concordat and Athena Swan
- gives insight into the research environment element of the Research Excellence Framework
For members
Related links
Principal Investigators and Research Leaders Survey. Gathering views and experiences from managers of researchers in the UK
Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers. An agreement between the funders and employers of researchers in the UK
Concordat measures of progress 2013
HR Excellence in Research Award. An initiative of the European Commission to support better employment and working conditions for researchers
Every Researcher Counts. Resources, case studies and stakeholder briefings to improve the understanding of equality and diversity issues amongst those who support and manage researchers
Athena Swan. UK award recognising commitment to women’s careers in STEMM academia
Research Excellence Framework: the system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions.