Expression of interest to become a Vitae member regional representative 2017
Nominations for the Vitae organisational members’ regional representative
Our current regional representatives’ term of office is coming to an end and we would like to acknowledge their contributions during the first two years of Vitae membership. We are now inviting member organisations to put forward nominations for regional representatives. Candidates should hold senior roles, with a commitment to researcher development. Vitae regional representatives must be employed by and have the formal support of a Vitae member organisation. Each member organisation can submit one nomination through their key contacts.
Candidates can be one of your three key contacts or any other suitable member of staff supported by the institution as a candidate. To ensure that regional representative nominees have the backing of their institution, the nomination should be confirmed by the senior named membership contact. If you are unsure who is the Vitae senior contact at your organisation, contact the Vitae membership team.
The role of regional representative
The Vitae member regional representative acts in an advisory capacity in relation to the development of Vitae’s membership strategy, providing an institutional perspective, highlighting priorities from institutions within regions, leading the annual regional meetings and providing input to the Annual Programme and Annual International Conference. This provides an excellent CPD opportunity to contribute and to lead at regional and national level and to showcase your institution’s work through hosting regional meetings.
The eight regions in the UK:
- East of England
- London
- Midlands
- North West
- Scotland and Northern Ireland
- South East
- South West and Wales
- Yorkshire and North East.
Visit our web page to find which region your institution falls under.
Terms of reference
Vitae regional representatives are drawn from nominations by member organisation key contacts. The time needed for this role is not more than 4 days a year. This is a non-remunerated role. Regional representatives normally will have a two-year term of office, commencing on 1 August.
Responsibilities include to
- Be a member of the Vitae regional representative committee, participating in up to four conference calls or face-to-face meetings to reflect on emerging themes and provide advice and regional input to shape Vitae’s membership programme.
- Co-host, chair and input into the planning of annual regional meetings, normally held between March-June.
- Receive regular updates and act as Ambassador for Vitae amongst regional members.
- Provide a ‘sounding board’ and act as a critical friend to the Vitae membership team.
- Understand regional requirements through links into local networks
With agreement of Vitae membership team, the regional representative can nominate a deputy from their region to stand in for them if they are unable to attend a meeting. Vitae regional representatives must complete a disclaimer (see below). These terms of reference will be subject to approval and reviewed biennially by Vitae.
Electing the Vitae member regional representative
- The regional representative will be elected by member institutions from within the region and will serve for a term of two years commencing 1 August – 31 July.
- Nominations for the regional representative will be circulated to all regional member institutions before the regional meeting where possible
- Each member institution will be invited to vote once, online, using the Alternative Vote system, in which they rank candidates in order of preference. In the case of no clear majority, 2nd and possibly lower choice votes would be considered until one candidate has a clear majority. Please select one representative from your institution to vote on behalf of the organisation.
- If the Vitae regional representative leaves the region during the 2-year term or is otherwise unable to fulfil the role (e.g. because of moving roles or institution, taking extended leave etc.) they may nominate a replacement for the remainder of the term.
- Vitae regional representatives must be working for and have the formal support of a Vitae member organisation.
Further information
- The Vitae regional representative committee will meet regularly, at least twice a year face to face and one virtual meeting to review progress and discuss any matters arising. The committee will be chaired by Vitae’s Director of Development, agenda and minutes will be prepared by a Vitae representative and circulated 5 working days prior to the meetings and completed minutes within 10 working days of the meeting. Meeting dates for each calendar year will be agreed in advance, although the Chair may ask for extra-ordinary meetings where the matter is more urgent.
- Regional representatives’ short biography, photograph and contact details will be included on the Vitae website and linked to the regional meetings.
If you would like to submit an expression of interest to be the Vitae regional representative for your region, please do so via email to the Vitae membership team using the nomination form, by 5pm on 10 March 2017. Please get in touch if you would like to arrange an informal talk with the existing regional representative.