Vitae Researcher Careers Working Group

Posted 28/08/2019 by 9a4fa0b2-a68f-44ca-95b6-a2b900c1471a

Clare Winderly

In our series of Working Group blogs, we find out the potential benefits and impact that belonging to a collaborative group can bring. 

Our blogger in this edition is Clare Wunderly – Researcher Employability & Engagement Manager (Doctoral College) University of Surrey.

Why you applied to the Working Group?

I applied primarily as someone relatively new in post and in a new role for the Doctoral College.  I felt that being part of the working group would enable me to develop contacts and also share knowledge, whilst working on specific areas of interest for Vitae and the group.

What you hope to get out of the experience?

An opportunity to develop contacts as well as share knowledge and expertise.  In addition to ‘give something back’, Vitae provides information and support to members but I think that it is also important to think about how members can also support Vitae. 

What the benefits are of being in a working group?

Being a member of a working group can be beneficial from a career development perspective as well as the opportunities mentioned above.

The challenges of working in a group?

I wouldn’t say that there are any particular challenges of working in a group, apart from the usual ones of finding time and technological challenges when a virtual meeting doesn’t quite go to plan!

What impact could the group have on researcher development?

I hope that through the work we can disseminate new findings and ideas.

What would be your tips/recommendations to others who are considering joining a voluntary collaborative group?

To use a well used phrase – Just do it!