11 more UK universities to be externally evaluated retain the HR Excellence in Research Award
Today Vitae confirms that the second set of UK universities (11) to be externally evaluated for the HR Excellence in Research Award (step 5) have retained the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission. This brings the total to 21 institutions in the UK to have undertaken and retained the Award at this four year stage.
Janet Metcalfe, Vitae commented:
“I am delighted to announce that, following external review, the UK HR Excellence in Research Panel have confirmed that University of Aberdeen, Aberystwyth University, University of Bristol, University of Cambridge, Edinburgh Napier University, University of Glasgow, University of Hertfordshire, Institute of Cancer Research, University of Leeds, Loughborough University and Swansea University have retained the Award further to their four year reviews.
The Award demonstrates a university's commitment to improving the working conditions and career development for research staff, which will in turn improve the quantity, quality and impact of research for the benefit of UK society and the economy.”
Speaking from Brussels, Fabienne Gautier, Head of Unit, ERA Policy and Reform in DG Research and Innovation, European Commission said:
“I am delighted to congratulate the 11 UK universities who have been successful in the external evaluation of their HR strategies for researchers. Creating an open and supportive environment for researchers is a critical contribution to achieving the European Research Area and ensuring our future prosperity and growth through research and innovation.”
A total of 226 European organisations now hold the Award which also commits them to a programme of internal and external evaluation.
Dr Andy Dixon, Director of Research, University of Chichester, member of the Concordat Strategy Group, and member of the UK HR Excellence in Research Award panel said:
“Congratulations to the institutions in this tranche who have retained the Award at the 4 year stage. Being on the UK panel is a privilege and it is crystal clear that this scheme is having real impact in UK HEIs. The quality of successful applications is very high, and the scheme provides them with an opportunity to champion and celebrate the work that they are doing with and for their researchers.”
The external review requires institutions to highlight key achievements and progress they have made since they gained the Award four years ago and to outline the focus of their strategy, success measures and next steps for the next four years.
The deadline for the next set of institutions to submit for their four year review is September 2015.
More information about the Award can be found here: www.vitae.ac.uk/hrexcellenceaward
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- A UK-wide process enables UK higher education institutions to gain the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research Award, which acknowledges their alignment with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for their Recruitment. The UK process incorporates both the ‘QAA Quality Code for Higher Education - Chapter B11: Research Degrees’ and the ‘Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers’ to enable institutions that have published Concordat implementation plans to gain the HR Excellence in Research Award. The UK approach includes ongoing national evaluation and benchmarking
- Vitae and its membership programme are managed by the Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited, an independent registered charity
- There are 226 institutions in total with the Award (91 UK and 135 other European). Institutions who have gained the recognition are listed on the EURAXESS website http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index.cfm/rights/index
- The UK organisations to retain the HR Excellence in Research Award in May 2015 are: University of Aberdeen, Aberystwyth University, University of Bristol, University of Cambridge, Edinburgh Napier University, University of Glasgow, University of Hertfordshire, Institute of Cancer Research, University of Leeds, Loughborough University and Swansea University
Peer reviewers include:
- Professor Louise Ackers, Chair in Social Policy, University of Salford
- Erik Van Beers, HR Policy Advisor, Tilburg University
- Dr Louise Bright, Associate Director Wales, Leadership Foundation for Higher Education
- Dr Juan Manuel Garcia Camus, Advisor for the Vice-Rector for Research, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- Dr Rob Daley, Director of Researcher Development, Heriot Watt University
- Dr Isabelle Halleux, R&D Executive Director, University of Liege
- Mag Brigita Krsnik Horvat, Head of UM Projects and Researchers Support Office, University of Maribor
- Majken Houborg, HR Officer, Copenhagen Business School
- Johan Huijsse, Senior Policy Advisor Labour Relations, Association of Dutch Universities (VSNU)
- Julie McClelland, Director of Human Resources, University of Huddersfield
- Dr Lowry McComb, Director of Researcher Development, Durham University
- Nia Gywnn Meacher, Deputy Director, HR (Development), Bangor University
- Julie Northam, Head of Research and Knowledge Exchange, Bournemouth University
- Giuliana Rubbia, Senior Technologist in Central Administration, Past President of Equal Opportunities Committee, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisicia e Vulcanologia
- Dr Sharon Saunders, Researcher Development Consultant, University of Cambridge
- Victoria Sedman, Researcher Training and Development Manager, Graduate School, University of Nottingham
- Justin Synnott, Manager, EU Office, UCD Research, University College Dublin
- Neil Walford, Head of Organisational Development, Institute of Cancer Research
Peer reviewers recommendations are reviewed by the UK HR Excellence in Research Panel:
- Dr Irmela Brach, Policy Officer, European Commission
- Dr Anastasia Callaghan, member of the UK Research Staff Association
- Dr Andy Dixon, Director of Research, University of Chichester and member of the Concordat Strategy Group
- Mr Guy Gregory, HR Director, University of Bristol and member of the Concordat Strategy Group
- Professor Trevor McMillan, Deputy Vice Chancellor and Provost, Keele University and member of the Concordat Strategy Group
- Dr Janet Metcalfe, Chair and Head, Vitae and on behalf of the Concordat Strategy Group
The award acknowledges that institutions have completed a gap analysis of their existing policies and practice against the Concordat, developed a robust action plan for implementation, and taken into account the views of researchers.
UK institutions wishing to gain the EC recognition should contact Jen Reynolds, or Janet Metcalfe, in the first instance. More information about the submission process can be found at: www.vitae.ac.uk/hrexcellenceaward
About Vitae www.vitae.ac.uk
We are an international programme led and managed by CRAC, a not-for-profit registered UK charity dedicated to active career learning and development. Working since 1968, when we ran our first project to support transitions of doctoral researchers to industry, Vitae has great expertise at enhancing the skills and career impact of researchers locally, within a global context.
Much of our work has been funded by the UK Research Councils and we have played a key role in the UK drives for high-level skills, innovation and world-class researchers.
Since 2013 we have been supported by Research Councils UK (RCUK) and UK HE funding bodies: Department for Employment and Learning (DELNI), Higher Education Funding Council (HEFCE), Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Scottish Funding Council (SFC).
We have launched our membership programme in January 2015. We now work all over the world in partnership with researchers, higher education institutions, research organisations, research funders and other organisations with a stake in realising the potential of researchers. Vitae member organisations are listed at: https://www.vitae.ac.uk/membership/vitae-members
About CRAC: The Career Development Organisation www.crac.org.uk
CRAC: The Career Development Organisation is an independent, charitable organisation with a core aim to promote and encourage career development and active career-related learning. CRAC manages a number of innovative programmes within education and skills development sector. www.crac.org.uk