Book now on Vitae regional events

...including a networking day for Midlands staff researchers, new career workshop for East of England staff researchers and Train the Trainer workshop for staff developers in South West and Wales and Midlands...

Midlands RSA Career Development & Networking Day

17 July 2014, University of Nottingham

This event aims to draw together Midlands research staff who have signed up to the Midlands Research Staff Association (MRSA), co-ordinated by the Vitae Midlands Hub. Over 90 people are now registered to the MRSA and receiving regular updates on events, job opportunities and activities.   

This event is an opportunity to:

  • attend a morning career development skills session giving guidance on unconscious bias (awareness in the research environment); interview success; career progression and career change outside academia.
  • participate in a networking afternoon to shape the direction of the MRSA going forward to meet individual and collaborative researcher needs across the region.

Expert careers consultants and researcher developers will facilitate the day. 

Please contact   for further details about joining the Midlands RSA.

Book your free place at the event

Researcher Futures. Establishing yourself: Productivity and People

18 July, University of Hertfordshire

This programme is aimed at research staff who are in their first or second research contract post PhD or equivalent and who aspire to become PIs or project team leaders. This programme is aimed at allowing Research Staff step into this role. Those individuals whose career aspirations do not involve progressing ‘up' the research ladder (e.g. stay in their current role, or take their skills outside of the research environment) will also benefit from this training, which will highlight that skills are transferable readily to other environments.

There are a limited number of places available. Please complete the booking form to apply for a place.  We are asking for a short paragraph to explain why researchers should be considered for this course.  Your place on the course will be confirmed once the application process is complete.

Every Researcher Counts Train the Trainer SWW & Midlands Hubs

30 September, Birmingham

Struggling to know how to meet RCUK's statement of expectations for equality and diversity?

Looking for short sessions and targeted materials to embed equality and diversity issues into your training programme?

Vitae's ‘Every Researcher Counts' flexible suite of resources can help. These resources are for staff developers and principal investigators to ensure that, in relation to research staff, equality and diversity issues are understood, visible and prioritised in HEIs.

Vitae SWW and Midlands Hubs would like to invite you to this Train the Trainer event where you will be able to learn more about the materials and see the NEW resources which have been developed for research staff themselves.

 Book on this event