Call for submissions to ESOF 2016 Careers Programme


The EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) is an interdisciplinary meeting of researchers, politicians, innovators, industry, science journalists and the media. In 2016 ESOF will take place in Manchester, 23-27 July and will attract approximately 4500 delegates.

The Careers Programme is an integral component of ESOF 2016 and will provide opportunities for researchers, academic and industry representatives, training and educational institutes, science journalists and policy makers to engage with one another to reflect and develop ideas relating to the issues affecting early career researchers, industrial researchers and researchers in all stages or transitions in their careers.

The ESOF 2016 Careers Programme Committee is launching a call for session proposals addressing the need to create attractive and sustainable career conditions for European researchers and innovators, and develop the potential of researchers to achieve impact and drive change.

The call seeks contributions from individuals or groups of researchers, organisations employing researchers, or organisations involved in training and career development in the fields of science and innovation. Proposals should contribute to one of three components:

  • Developing a Career with Sustainable and Transformational Potential
  • Early Career Research Sessions: Science as Revolution
  • Developing Networks and Opportunities for Innovative Collaboration

Submissions are invited from 1st June 2015 and the deadline for session proposals is 31st July 2015 at 23:00 pm CET

For more information and guidelines, visit the ESOF website