Consultation on the Careers in Research Online Survey question set


Between 3 September and 15 October 2012, institutions have an opportunity to feed in views on the proposed revisions to the Careers in Research Online Survey (CROS) core question set. The revisions are a result of a review by the CROS/PIRLS Steering Group and a survey of CROS users to ensure that the survey is still relevant, provides robust evidence of progress and further challenges to improve research staff engagement.

CROS is a web-based survey designed to gather the anonymous views of research staff in UK higher education institutions about their experiences, employment, career development and career aspirations. It is a key tool to assess the progress and impact of implementation of the principles of the Concordat to support the Career Development of Researchers. CROS will next run during March - May 2013.

Please read our draft question set (Microsoft Word document) with notes on proposed changes and consultation questions before sending your feedback to by Monday, 15 October 2012. Your feedback will inform the final CROS 2013 question set, which will be confirmed by the end of November 2012.