CROS and PIRLS open 1 March

Register your intent to participate
CROS and PIRLS open 1 March

The Careers in Research Online Survey (CROS) and the Principal Investigators and Research Leaders Survey (PIRLS) are run biennially and gather anonymous data about working conditions, career aspirations and career development opportunities for research staff and research leaders in higher education institutions.
These two surveys provide valuable data and benchmarking for measuring progress in implementation of the Concordat, achieving and maintaining the HR Excellence in Research Award and Athena Swan, and submission of the REF Research Environment submission by Units of Assessment. In addition, institutions can compare their own results with the UK aggregate or form benchmarking clubs.
Both surveys will be available free of charge for Vitae member institutions with a BOS license to run during the 3 months from 1 March to 31 May 2015. Further details, question sets, FAQ, and case studies are available at and
Both surveys can be adapted to include institution-specific questions and the survey(s) can be run for any length of time within the 3 month window (March-May). If you have not already registered your intent to participate in the survey(s), .