Engineering lens on development for researchers


The Engineering Council has been working with Vitae to develop an ‘engineering lens' on the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) and the Engineering Council's UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence.

The lens has been developed by reviewing the RDF and identifying those areas that relate to the Engineering Council's standard for competence and commitment for CEng.  The lens, presented as a circle graphic, demonstrates the strong link between the requirements for CEng and the development of an engineering researchers' knowledge, understanding, skills, competence and attributes.  The aim of the lens is to assist engineering researchers with their professional and career development, and by making the strong link with CEng, to encourage more of them to seek professional registration.

The RDF is a comprehensive approach to enhancing the careers of researchers, developed by and for researchers, in consultation with academics and employers from other sectors.  A ‘lens' is essentially a set of bridging statements that interprets the RDF for a specific audience or purpose, such as engineering researchers.

Vitae is currently consulting with the HE sector about the draft version of the lens.  If you would like to comment, please contact: .The lens will be launched later this year.

This lens will also complement the work to establish a clearly visible pathway to CEng status for EngD graduates.