Meet the Vitae Researcher Development Action Group

Vitae announced the members of the new Vitae Researcher Development Action Group at the Vitae Policy Forum which took place on the 30/31 January in Birmingham. The new group will build upon the excellent work of Vitae's Research Staff Development Advisory Group (ReSDAG) and will serve to provide focus on refining the ideas for the future progress on the step-change in research staff development plus provide ongoing support for PGRs.

In November 2012, a call was circulated throughout the sector, announcing the changes and requesting that those interested in joining the group as either a member or Chair submitted a short expression of interest form. These were reviewed by a small panel and we are pleased to announce that the membership of the new group will be:

Chair: Professor Simon Joss (University of Westminster)

Dr Martin McCracken (University of Ulster)

Deputy Chair: Jane Wellens (University of Nottingham)
Claire Nimmo (University of Strathclyde)

Rosie Beales (RCUK Strategy Unit)

Ellen Pearce (Vitae)

Dr Liz Elvidge (Imperial College London)
Dr Sharon Saunders (University of Cambridge)

Dr Louise Fielding (Cardiff Metropolitan University)
Jane Simm (AGCAS)

Dr Richard Freeman (Institute of Education)
Dr Rachel Torr (University of Exeter)

Dr Ray Kent (De Montfort University)
Dr Meera Warrier (University of Leicester)

Louisa Lawes (University of Edinburgh)
Phil Ward (University of Kent)

Alison Mitchell (Vitae)

Shewly Choudhury (Wellcome)