Call for evidence – Postgraduate transitions: exploring disciplinary practice


Recent analysis shows that certain UK HE institutions seem to be more successful than comparable institutions in relation to the proportion of their graduates that enter postgraduate study. There are also marked differences between different disciplines.

CRAC, Vitae's parent organisation, supported by experts from King’s College, London, Durham University and the University of York, is undertaking a new research project for the Higher Education Academy which seeks to identify practice within particular institutions, and certain disciplines/departments within them, that results in higher proportions of students progressing to postgraduate study.

A range of approaches will be used to obtain institutional and disciplinary evidence, as well as student/graduate perspectives, to identify and investigate what constitutes ‘high-performing’ practice in this area. This will be supported by multilevel modelling of existing data to account for institutional and student cohort differences.

In-depth investigation work will be carried out in a sample of institutions, talking to academic and other staff, and students, in a variety of key disciplines. This will lead to development of case studies, so good practice can be shared.

Institutions and their staff that believe they have particularly effective, innovative or inspirational activity or support which results in a high (or higher than expected) proportion of their graduates progressing to postgraduate study[1] are invited to contact us and to provide evidence. We will approach academic staff contacts through a variety of networks to encourage them to do so.

To engage directly and potentially participate in the project, or obtain further information, please contact project director .

[1] In any UK HE institution, not purely the same institution