Progress in implementing the Concordat principles


Vitae has published a report on the progress by the UK higher education sector in implementing the Concordat to Support the Career development of Researchers. This report updates the previous 2012 review and summarises progress against each of the Concordat principles. It also provides an insight into the research staff cohort following analysis of the 2012/13 HESA Staff Record. Although there is continuing evidence of progress, particularly in the development of institutional strategies and policies, there are still significant challenges in translation of these into universal practice to improve the careers and working conditions of research staff.

Critically this requires the involvement and commitment of senior academics, principal investigators and research staff themselves. Particularly the report identifies that:

  • researchers need to take more responsibility for their own professional and career development, are fully informed of and understand employment terms and conditions, reward and recognition processes, and the range of career opportunities
  • principal investigators need to engage more actively in the talent management and career development of their researchers
  • institutions need to ensure that researchers are recognised as full colleagues within their institutions, valued for their contributions and have equality of opportunity. 

The report is available here.