Vitae has published three major reports.
'Vitae Policy Forum 2011 report'
The 2011 Forum was an important opportunity for institutions to influence the policies and strategies for researcher development and the Concordat over the next spending review period. In light of the Comprehensive Spending Review announcements, the Browne Review, the Research Excellence Framework and institutional responses.
'The visibility of researcher development in UK higher education institutions' strategies'
This study reviewed the visibility of researcher development in UK higher education institution strategies in UK HEIs, identifying commitments and resources which are publicly accessible on individual HEIs' websites.
Overall 60% of the institutions reviewed in this study made a public commitment to the professional development of researchers in their institutional (25%), human resources or research strategies. The report highlights four key recommendations for how institutions can publicly make the most of their commitments to researcher development.
'Vitae Annual Report 2010'
Review of key successes and activities of Vitae in 2010 and key activities planned for 2011
"It is right that as we put research at the heart of our plans for future prosperity, we prioritise the development of excellent researchers able to capitalise on the impact of that research"
David Willetts,
Minister of State for Universities and Science