Vitae plans underpinned as RCUK and HEFCE join forces on researcher skills development

On 30 May, David Willetts announced that RCUK and HEFCE have come together to strengthen their support for ensuring the development of world-class skills amongst research staff. Recognising the importance of the high level skills developed through research careers, RCUK and HEFCE confirmed their support for Vitae and further funding until 2015.

During the next three years, Vitae will be focussing on:

  • A step change in the careers development of research staff and the implementation of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers
  • Ensuring research organisations promote the equality and diversity of the research workforce
  • Maximising the impact of past investment regarding transferable skills, employability and career development, including consolidating support for doctoral researchers, including the implementation of the Researcher Development Framework

During the period, Vitae will transition to becoming a ‘self-sustaining' programme, working closely with UK institutions and international partners.

Further information will be available over the coming months, and at the Vitae International Researcher Development Conference in Manchester on 3-4 September.

More information available here