HR Excellence in Research Award June 2017

HR Excellence in Research Award June 2017


We are pleased to announce that two new UK universities have achieved the European Commission HR Excellence in Research Award. The institutions are: Leeds College of Art and University of Suffolk. This brings the UK total to 98 institutions that hold the Award.

Seven further institutions have also retained their Award following their four year external review: Bournemouth University, Coventry University, Northumbria University, Nottingham Trent University, Sheffield Hallam University, University of Chester, University of Warwick.

The HR Excellence in Research Award is an important mechanism for implementing the principles of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers and in retaining their Awards these UK institutions have demonstrated their long-term commitment to the career development of researchers. There are currently 98 UK institutions with the Award, more than double any other country in Europe.

The remaining 2017 deadline for submissions is Friday 27 October.

More information about the Award can be found here:
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Further information:

Sarah Nalden
Communications and Marketing Executive
T: 01223 460277

Notes to editors:


  1. A UK-wide process enables UK higher education institutions to gain the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research Award, which acknowledges their alignment with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for their Recruitment. The UK process incorporates both the ‘QAA Quality Code for Higher Education - Chapter B11: Research Degrees’ and the ‘Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers’ to enable institutions that have published Concordat implementation plans to gain the HR Excellence in Research Award. The UK approach includes ongoing national evaluation and benchmarking.
  2. Vitae and its membership programme are managed by the Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited, an independent registered charity.
  3. There are 348 institutions in total with the Award (98 UK and 250 other European) institutions who have gained the recognition are listed on the EURAXESS website. Click here, if your organisation has the HR Excellence in Research Award. Email to feature the award logo on your website
  4. The UK HR Excellence in Research Panel includes: • Dr Margaret Ayers, Director of Human Resources, Queen Mary University of London and Universities Human Resources (UHR) representative; • Dr Irmela Brach, Policy Officer, European Commission; • Dr Fay Couciero, member of the UK Research Staff Association; • Dr Rob Daley, Academic Programme Leader, Heriot Watt University; • Dr Andy Dixon, Director of Research, University of Chichester and member of the Concordat Strategy Group; • Mr Guy Gregory, HR Director, University of Bristol and member of the Concordat Strategy Group
  5. The award acknowledges that institutions have completed a gap analysis of their existing policies and practice against the Concordat, developed a robust action plan for implementation, and taken into account the views of researchers.
  6.  UK institutions wishing to gain the EC recognition should contact Jen Reynolds or Janet Metcalfe, in the first instance. More information about the submission process can be found at:
  7. Vitae has previously published ‘Concordat discussion paper 2016’ intended to prompt institutions and research institutes to consider how they are supporting all staff engaged in research, particularly early career staff

About Vitae
We are an international programme led and managed by CRAC, a not-for-profit registered UK charity dedicated to active career learning and development. Working since 1968, when we ran our first project to support transitions of doctoral researchers to industry, Vitae has great expertise at enhancing the skills and career impact of researchers locally, within a global context.
We have launched our membership programme in January 2015. We now work all over the world in partnership with researchers, higher education institutions, research organisations, research funders and other organisations with a stake in realising the potential of researchers. Vitae member organisations are listed here.
The Concordat Strategy Group is responsible for promoting the implementation of the principles of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers in universities and research institutions across the UK.

For more information about Vitae activities, visit the website
About CRAC: The Career Development Organisation
CRAC: The Career Development Organisation is an independent, charitable organisation with a core aim to promote and encourage career development and active career-related learning. CRAC manages a number of innovative programmes within education and skills development sector.