Vitae Academic Professional Apprenticeship (APA) statement
Vitae Academic Professional Apprenticeship (APA) statement
‘The Academic Professional Apprenticeship Standard reflects widely understood professional standards for both the teaching and research routes in higher education and is aligned to the Higher Education Academy’s UK Professional Standards Framework and Vitae’s Researcher Development Framework.’ (Academic professional apprenticeship standard)
Vitae has followed the progress of the development and recognition of the Academic Professional Apprenticeship closely, providing advice to the HEI Employer Trailblazer group when requested and keeping our community informed. The standard and assessment plan are now published.
A significant amount of work and thought were required from HEIs to ensure a credible and valuable academic professional apprenticeship scheme encompassing both the research and academic aspects of the academic professional staff role. Careful consideration was needed of the separate responsibilities for HEIs as employers and as training providers, as well as a better sector-wide understanding of appropriate development programmes and schemes, data management and an effective ecosystem of end point assessment.
Vitae has worked closely with HEA on areas where we can be jointly supportive to the sector, particularly ways in which existing development programmes and schemes can be tailored to address the Academic Professional Apprenticeship requirements in both research and teaching.
If you would like to be kept informed of these activities and access any additional support from Vitae please contact: Jen Reynolds, Professional Development Manager, Vitae at
As of 10 May 2018, the Academic Professional Apprenticeship was approved for delivery. Read more here