HR Excellence in Research Award March 2019

HR Excellence in Research Award March 2019

We are pleased to announce that 16 UK universities have retained the Award after their 8 year, 6 year, 4 year and 2 year reviews. The institutions retaining the Award are:

8 year: Cardiff University, Heriot Watt University, Newcastle University, Queen Margaret University, University of Edinburgh, University of Reading, University of Salford, University of York

6 year: Bournemouth University, Coventry University, Sheffield Hallam University, Warwick University

4 year: University of Essex, London South Bank University

2 year: Kingston University, Winchester University

The HR Excellence in Research Award is an important mechanism for implementing the principles of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers and in retaining their Awards these UK institutions have demonstrated their long-term commitment to the career development of researchers. There are currently 97 Vitae UK member institutions with the Award.

The deadlines for new submissions in 2019 for UK institutions who wish to gain the Award are: Friday 29 March and Friday 25 October.

More information about the Award can be found here:

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Further information

Sarah Nalden

 Communications and Marketing Executive

T: 01223 460277


Notes to editors

A UK-wide process enables UK higher education institutions to gain the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research Award, which acknowledges their alignment with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for their Recruitment. The UK process incorporates both the ‘QAA Quality Code for Higher Education - Chapter B11: Research Degrees’ and the ‘Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers’ to enable institutions that have published Concordat implementation plans to gain the HR Excellence in Research Award. The UK approach includes ongoing national evaluation and benchmarking.

  1. Vitae and its membership programme are managed by the Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited, an independent registered charity
  2. There are 410 institutions in total with the Award (100 UK and 310 other European) institutions who have gained the recognition are listed on the EURAXESS website Check here, if your organisation has the HR Excellence in Research Award. Email to feature the award logo on your website
  3. The UK HR Excellence in Research Panel includes:
  • Dr Irmela Brach, Policy Officer, European Commission
  • Dr Rob Daley, Director of Researcher Development, Heriot Watt University
  • Dr Andy Dixon, Deputy Director (Research and Innovation, Environment and Strategy), Research and Innovation Services, University of Portsmouth
  • Mrs Sue Midha, Director of Human Resources, Cardiff University and Chair of UHR Wales
  • Dr Louise Stephen, member of the UK Research Staff Association
  1. The award acknowledges that institutions have completed a gap analysis of their existing policies and practice against the Concordat, developed a robust action plan for implementation, and taken into account the views of researchers.
  2. UK institutions wishing to gain the EC recognition should contact Jen Reynolds, or Janet Metcalfe, in the first instance. More information about the submission process can be found at:
  3. Vitae has previously published ‘Concordat discussion paper 2016’ intended to prompt institutions and research institutes to consider how they are supporting all staff engaged in research, particularly early career staff:

About Vitae

Vitae is the global leader in supporting the professional development of researchers, experienced in working with institutions as they strive for research excellence, innovation and impact.

We are a non-profit programme, part of CRAC: the Career Development Organisation with over 45 years' experience in enhancing the skills and careers of researchers. We strengthen our members' institutional provision for the professional development of their researchers through research and innovation, training and resources, events, consultancy and membership

Vitae has four aims:

– Influence the development and implementation of effective policy relating to researcher development

– Enhance higher education provision to train and develop researchers

– Empower researchers to make an impact on their careers

– Evidence the impact of professional and career development support for researchers

Our partners include governments, funders of research, academies, professional bodies, trusts and foundations, universities and research institutes.

CRAC provides research intelligence and innovation for all those who support career development for people of all ages and in all sectors. We work in partnership with government agencies, education organisations and providers and employers and professional bodies.

CRAC is a registered charity No 313164 established in 1964.